Why Your Site Needs to be Optimized for a "Near Me" Search (and How to Do It)
There’s been a revolution in the online search world in recent times, and it’s lead to SEO advice that every small business owner can take advantage of. It comes in the form of the “Near Me” search trend. Consumers everywhere are not only searching online for things that they want and need. They’re also now insisting on finding those things near their location. In fact, Google search interest in the phrase “Near Me’ has increased 34x since 2011 and it has doubled in the last year . Now, when there’s a huge shift in consumer behavior of this nature, business owners need to take some serious notice. The “Near Me” search trend is a good thing for consumers and businesses alike. It provides the consumer with a heightened online experience and it presents businesses with a massive opportunity too. Yes. For the business owner… To capitalize or not to capitalize? That is the question. Of course, the answer is yes! Now, here are two more ques...