Entrepreneurship, starting anything from nothing, is brutally hard. http://www.jonathanfields.com/5-mistakes/ This is one of the best Reads of 2016. There are Hundreds of quotes I could grab to get your attention from this article. The one that I chose is this: “Effective storytelling and copywriting are mission-critical growth levers, yet they are also simultaneously the most undervalued, underinvested skills in the world of entrepreneurship. They are far more often slapped together at the last minute, then experienced as points of failure instead of the engines of growth they could and should be.” Story Telling and website creation go hand in hand. Contact Steve for help with both and we will make 2017 the best year yet.
Showing posts from 2016
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Effесtіvеnеѕѕ оf Local SEO Lосаl SEO is bесоmіng a mоrе аnd more popular buzzword in thе Internet. Itѕ community іѕ uѕіng it more fоr ѕеаrсh engine activities. There аrе bеnеfіtѕ оf lосаl SEO whісh draw іtѕ ѕtrаtа of community lіkе аntѕ tо sugar. SEO асtіvіtіеѕ All wеb buѕіnеѕѕ оwnеrѕ аrе dіlіgеnt in securing SEO асtіvіtіеѕ to kеер thеіr web business not оnlу vіаblе but progressive, іf possible. Lосаl SEO асtіvіtіеѕ hеlр all websites tо achieve a hіghеr rank іn the ѕеаrсh еngіnе lіѕtіngѕ thrоugh thе use of more рrоmіnеnt аnd unіԛuе kеуwоrdѕ. There are hundrеdѕ of available ѕіtеѕ іdеntіfіеd fоr any kеуwоrd ѕеаrсhеd on these рорulаr ѕеаrсh еngіnеѕ lіkе Yаhоо, Gооglе аnd Bіng. Dіffеrеnt ѕеаrсh еngіnеѕ utilize different rаnkіng mechanisms tо position thе wеbѕіtеѕ оn their first pages аѕ раrt оf the lосаl SEO ѕеаrсh result. Pоѕіtіоnіng оf a wеb business оn thе first раgе of any ѕеаrсh еngіnе result іѕ vеrу сruсіаl; it wоuld саtсh thе wеb uѕеrѕ' аttеntіоn and іntеrеѕt bеttеr to dе...
Local SEO Grand Junction: The New Trend in Digital Marketing
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The New Trend in Digital Marketing Local SEO Grand Junction Like an ant to sugar, the savvy professional knows when a concept is more than just a fad. Buzzwords often pave the way for future industry “big deals” to become trends of significant importance. Digital marketing has been one such trend for some time and now the mantle of “up and coming thing you need to know” is being passed on to a relatively new phrase, “Local SEO” (Local Search Engine Optimization). By taking advantage of strong Local SEO campaigns a business can promote services to local customers right when they are looking for what that business offers. While Digital Marketing deals with an individual business’ ability to reach anyone anywhere who looks for something even remotely close to what services or products that business provides, Local SEO is much more of a community thing. By taking advantage of strong Local SEO campaigns a business c...
Why WordPress Websites for business class in Grand Junction
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Why WordPress Websites for business class in Grand Junction REGISTER NOW FOR OCTOBER 17th. Each class will take place at The Business Incubator Center, 2591 Legacy Way Grand Junction CO 81503. The first hour of the class will be free and will give business owners useful tips that can help them grow their businesses. The second hour is $20 and will be more in depth with Q & A and more interactive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPovgjKBulk
Why Your Site Needs to be Optimized for a "Near Me" Search (and How to Do It)
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There’s been a revolution in the online search world in recent times, and it’s lead to SEO advice that every small business owner can take advantage of. It comes in the form of the “Near Me” search trend. Consumers everywhere are not only searching online for things that they want and need. They’re also now insisting on finding those things near their location. In fact, Google search interest in the phrase “Near Me’ has increased 34x since 2011 and it has doubled in the last year . Now, when there’s a huge shift in consumer behavior of this nature, business owners need to take some serious notice. The “Near Me” search trend is a good thing for consumers and businesses alike. It provides the consumer with a heightened online experience and it presents businesses with a massive opportunity too. Yes. For the business owner… To capitalize or not to capitalize? That is the question. Of course, the answer is yes! Now, here are two more ques...
Why Your Site Needs to be Optimized for a "Near Me" Search (and How to Do It)
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There’s been a revolution in the online search world in recent times, and it’s lead to SEO advice that every small business owner can take advantage of. It comes in the form of the “Near Me” search trend. Consumers everywhere are not only searching online for things that they want and need. They’re also now insisting on finding those things near their location. In fact, Google search interest in the phrase “Near Me’ has increased 34x since 2011 and it has doubled in the last year . Now, when there’s a huge shift in consumer behavior of this nature, business owners need to take some serious notice. The “Near Me” search trend is a good thing for consumers and businesses alike. It provides the consumer with a heightened online experience and it presents businesses with a massive opportunity too. Yes. For the business owner… To capitalize or not to capitalize? That is the question. Of course, the answer is yes! Now, here are two more questions:...
Local, social, mobile marketing are ways to engage customers
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WordPress Websites are Engagement tools. Local, social and mobile engagement with online marketing. Next Class Online Engagement. Is your Customer Service delivered through Engagement online and offline? SEO and Content Marketing. Why WordPress Websites for business (WWW for Business) is all about SEO and Engagement with Digital and online marketing. DIY , DWY and DFY DIY Do it Yourself, DWY Do it with you and DFY Done for you for Social Media, Local and Mobile marketing.
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Local SEO happens in page first.
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Local SEO happens on the page first. It is a known fact that with comprehensive SEO services, а business whether a оnlіnе business, business to business service or retail store саn іmрrоvе thеіr оrgаnіс ranks (i.e. Get on page one of Google) and аttrасt more web trаffіс. Search Engine Oрtіmіzаtіоn, аbbrеvіаtеd as SEO has varied benefits. Google"s official mission or vision statement is to organize all of the data in the world and make it accessible for everyone in a useful way. I think of SEO more as S een by E veryone O ptimization. If people are not engaged with your content when they get to your website why bother with SEO? The original way Google determined whether a page had any value was how many other pages linked to it. Now with Google’s RankBrain , artificial intelligence is utilized to read the page more like a human. Google processes about 500 million searches every day (according to cnet.com) and the best way for a local business to be found either in the three pac...
Why Wordpress Websites for business class in Grand Junction
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Is your business marketing on mobile?
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Walk to Success 235 Linden Ave Unit C Grand Junction , CO 81503 Phone: 970-315-2WIN 2.5 Billion smartphones are used over three hours every day by adults. Only 12% of the available advertising budget is spent on advertising on mobile devices. 16% is still being spent on print advertising. Really newspapers and magazines 16%, really? Mobile advertising is hyper-targeted. Do you want to promote your products or services on mobile ? Videos are great for marketing your business can have videos on Facebook, mobile, Social, and local networks this week, contact Steve Attarian 970-315-2WIN.
When looking to grow your business online there is a Great solution.
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<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/LocalBusiness"> <span itemprop="name">Walk to Success</span> <div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/PostalAddress"> <span itemprop="streetAddress">235 Linden Ave Unit C</span> <span itemprop="addressLocality">Grand Junction </span>, <span itemprop="addressRegion">CO</span> <span itemprop="postalCode">81503</span> </div> Phone: <span itemprop="telephone">970-315-2WIN</span> </div> Small businesses especially those that are in rural cities and towns need to be found on line. They not only need to be found they need a digital marketing stratagy that understands their customer's journey from click to close. The touchpoints between the first search the type or speak into thier mobile phone...
Content + Context = Conversion
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Content + Context = Conversion Content + Context = Conversions As Search Engine Land explains in this recent article Google is looking to add context to help refine and improve search results. Adam Dorfman explains how contextual search can (and I believe will) impact brick and mortar stores. In 2016, Web-influenced sales totaled $1.3 trillion and, by 2020, to reach $1.6 trillion. (Forrester Research). “Context is everything” (Brian Klemmer) and if your online marketing strategy does not include context the customer journey from click to close is going to be full of costly obstacles. The context in “Nearby” searches on mobile devices enhances the need for content that is relevant. Google calls this moment when someone turns to their device a micro-moment. This intent-driven moment of decision is crucial in the consumer journey, will they find your brand will your closest location be shown in the three pack? Do you have an ad and an organic solution to the intent showing on the ...
Our sincere Gratitude
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPovgjKBulk We Appreciate you! The Conversion Rate Optimization information that you requested will be sent whenever there is great new information, tools or tips to be shared. If you need assistance or want to discuss anything with our Cheif Inspirational Officer Steve Attarian, fell free to call his Cell 970-462-6222 or Email him at Steve@WalktoSuccess.com
How Walk to Success Marketing would Enable The Divi Gallery In The Divi Theme Options
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Walk to Success 235 Linden Ave Unit C Grand Junction , CO 81503 Phone: 9703152946 Even the Best looking websites do not convert traffic without asking for something, it may not be a buy now button, or a subscribe here box, it may just be an email Steve at Steve@WalktoSuccess.com to get more help or a presentation. Maybe it is in the middle of your first paragraph that you say we have an amazing video here to find out more about what we do. Then as you are adding content for google to index, especially getting to at least 300 words (and over 600 is better) you link to a reference article on a popular site that has great information to back up what you are talking about, like we are talking about and amazing tool for business website building tools . Then in this content building article or blog post there should be one naked link to your website (this is a link that is not masked or dressed up in a hyperlink) like: when you have questions about...
Walk to Success Marketing - Online marketing solutions for small busines...
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